How to improve your well-being at work?
Regularly using a Waff Mini helps prevent cardiovascular risks, back pain and postural pain. You regain your energy and serenity.
Occupational health is a major issue!
Whatever your profession, you deserve to exercise it in the best possible conditions! You work part time or full time. In an office or in the open air, you spend your days, your nights giving of yourself to earn a salary and live comfortably. Your professional and personal life must be at the heart of your concerns.

Some simple implementations can really improve your working conditions.
52% of French employees say they are stressed at work and 24% of them are in a situation of hyper-anxiety directly impacting their physical and mental health. These figures challenged us and led us to seek a concrete solution to improve the health of employees.
Don't let others be responsible for your happiness. Stay in control of your quality of work life. Buying a Waff to carry out your sports exercises or your relaxation sessions allows you to relieve the stress of your busy days, gently.
Your professional development depends on 3 main factors external to the company for which you work:
• The quality of your sleep. When you arrive at work tired in the morning, struggling all day to avoid unsightly yawns in front of your colleagues and having your eyes closed in the middle of the day is not ideal.
• Good food hygiene helps prevent bloating, intestinal transit problems and overweight, among others.
• Regular physical activity is essential because it also promotes your psychological well-being which is itself determining when it comes to your personal ease in general.
Consulting a psychologist or mental health professional can have a very positive impact on your life. By carrying out work on your personal situation, you put the odds in your favor to promote your well-being at work. Stopping smoking also has many benefits for your health, your lungs, but also for your brain.
In an ideal world, your workplace should be a nurturing space in which to thrive. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
The expectations of employees in terms of health are clear.
Indeed, according to the report of 2017 of the French joint social protection group Malakoff-Médéric :
• 61% of employees wish to benefit from sports services within their company.
• 53% want to improve the quality of their sleep and extend their sleep periods to feel better.
• 51% of employees who smoke would appreciate dedicated services to help them quit smoking.
• 46% would appreciate being screened for serious illnesses or informed about risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension or cholesterol, as well as mental pathologies linked to overwork and their environment.
• 33% would not be against psychological consultations in the event of occasional or persistent discomfort.
Developing an occupational safety policy makes it possible to reduce psychosocial risks and to act on the collective atmosphere. Happiness at work is at the heart of our inclusive and unifying research.
Burnout is a real social issue. Before you lose all your energy, burnout and no longer find the motivation to continue to practice your profession with enthusiasm, make decisions to change your daily life.
Sports solutions
Certain sports routines are a real "lifeline" for boosting self-confidence, regaining your good humor and shining positively within your team or with your customers. Jogging, swimming, racket or ball sports, do not hesitate to vary your activities according to your schedule.
All these hours spent sitting on a chair, standing, in a static position or in motion, sometimes strain our members excessively. Mobilizing certain parts of our body more than others can create profound imbalances, pain and muscle tension.
Improve team cohesion
A good working atmosphere promotes personal development and makes employees happy. Chief happiness ensures the well-being of each employee within a company. Its function is therefore essential in order to limit turnover (turnover rate of a company's staff.)
The concept of open space was born in the 1950s in the United States. It allows free communication and increased responsiveness between employees. These comfortable and modular workspaces enhance the efficiency of teamwork.
Last updated
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