
With the Waff Mini

1 - Stretches your front thigh.

2 - Stretches the part of your hip.

3 - Stretches the back of your thigh.

4 - Stretches your buttocks.

5 - Stretches the entire back of your leg.

6 - Stretches your inner thigh.

With the Waff Medium

1 - Stretches your adductors.

Sitting on the front of the Waff, spread your legs to your maximum.

2 - Stretches the lower back and the entire spine.

Take a seashell position while grabbing the Waff with your hands.

3 - Stretches the glutes.

Take a seat, one knee on the Waff, the other leg stretched behind you.

4 - Stretches the posterieur chains.

The legs are apart and arms stretched.

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